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Our Commitments -

Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement

ISTANA Royal Rice Modern Slavery Act

At ISTANA Royal Rice, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of ethics, integrity, and social responsibility across our operations. As a rice commodities trading company based in Singapore, we recognise our responsibility to address and prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in all aspects of our business.

Our Approach:

1. Policies and Procedures: We have implemented robust policies and procedures to prevent and eliminate any form of modern slavery within our supply chains and operations. These policies are regularly reviewed and updated to align with global best practices and legal requirements.

2. Supply Chain Due Diligence: We conduct thorough due diligence on our supply chains to identify and mitigate risks associated with modern slavery. We work closely with our suppliers and partners to ensure compliance with ethical standards and legal requirements.

3. Employee Training and Awareness: We provide comprehensive training and awareness programs to our employees, suppliers, and stakeholders to ensure a clear understanding of the risks and consequences of modern slavery. This includes regular training sessions and communication channels to report any concerns.

ISTANA Royal Rice Sustainability Commitment

Our Commitment:

1. Zero Tolerance: ISTANA Royal Rice has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking. We do not condone or engage in any form of forced labour, child labour, or exploitation within our operations or supply chains.

2. Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continuous improvement in our efforts to prevent modern slavery. We actively seek opportunities to enhance our practices, collaborating with industry partners, NGOs, and government agencies to address these complex challenges.

3. Transparency and Reporting: We are transparent in our actions and reporting on our efforts to combat modern slavery. This statement reflects our commitment to transparency and accountability in addressing these issues.

ISTANA Royal Rice Modern Slavery Act


ISTANA Royal Rice is dedicated to promoting ethical practices, respecting human rights, and eradicating modern slavery in all aspects of our business. We recognize the importance of collective action and are committed to working collaboratively with stakeholders to create a world free from exploitation.

This statement is made pursuant to UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “UK Act”) and the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) (the “Australian Act”) and has been approved by ISTANA Royal Rice’s board of directors.

Our Commitments -

Single Use Plastics

ISTANA Rice Vegetable Grow Kit Recycling Idea

We understand the necessity of plastic in our rice packaging for freshness and convenience, and we encourage our users to recycle responsibly. Our plastic bags can be repurposed by creating DIY vegetable grow kits; simply cut small holes at the bottom, fill with compost soil, plant your favourite seed and water daily. In a few weeks, you'll have fresh home-grown vegetables to enjoy with our delectable ISTANA Royal Rice varieties. Watch the video here.

As a rice company, we're dedicated to fighting single-use plastics. At our workplace, we reduce plastic waste by using reusable containers for storage, implementing a paperless system for documentation, and providing reusable utensils in our cafeteria.

Our Commitments -

United Nations Global Impact

At ISTANA Royal Rice, we take immense pride in our role as global corporate citizens and dedicated suppliers to over 20 esteemed UN organisations. We recognise the profound significance of collaborative partnerships with like-minded entities that share our commitment to fostering positive change.

We place paramount importance on integrating universally accepted principles into our operations and strategies, particularly in the domains of human rights, occupational health, decarbonisation, women's empowerment, equal gender opportunities, labour standards, social impact, environmental sustainability, and the fight against corruption.

Our ongoing engagement with the United Nations Global Impact serves as a cornerstone of our mission to learn and share best practices. We actively seek opportunities to align our operations with these principles, ensuring our contributions resonate with global initiatives aimed at creating a more equitable, sustainable, and ethically driven world.

By championing these principles within our organisation and beyond, we aspire to not only meet but exceed the standards set forth by the UN Global Impact. We remain steadfast in our dedication to driving meaningful change, fostering inclusivity, and promoting responsible business practices that positively impact society and the planet.